Saturday, January 16, 2010


The weaknesses that tie humans together are remarkable.  Everyone seems to have their own individual flaw.  The conflict that arises from the clash of these flaws utterly defines human interaction and emotion.  Properly applied, these human failings provide the foundation for suffering, anger, and all those things which ultimately make life worth living.  A life without conflict, highs and lows, and every sort of misery is hardly worth living.

Not that we should seek these qualities actively.  Their involuntary nature provides the most true, organic conflict possible.  The painful nature of conflict is exacerbated by the fact that we are not used to it, we prefer not to be used to it, frankly, and we would like it to go away.  Especially today, where news and unpleasantries can be easily avoided through distractions or ignorance - it is easier than ever to ignore the events of the world, and even simpler still to ignore events closer to home - conflict provides a wonderful source of connection with those around us, forces reflection, introspection, and personal evaluation.

I'm not saying to not hate conflict.  It's awful, and you should.  But respect it for what its awfulness accomplishes, and the necessary function it serves.

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